ES6 Features
The Most recent version of ECMAScript/JavaScript.
ECMAScript is a scripting language standard and specification.
Transpilers can be used to complie ES6 code to ES5 through Babel, Traceur, Closure.
ES6 does not fully supported to all browsers.
Some of the most important features of ES6 are -
The let statement specify a block scope local variable. Block is any section of the code of curly braces.
var declaration gives us functional scope and let declaration gives us block scope.
Let & Var using for Loop.
In Let: For every loop it will initialize new "i" and pass it to the callback function.
In Var: In this, "i" is initialized only once and it will use the same "i" in the callback function.
It is used to create read only named constants. Const also have block scope. A value must be mandatory set with const declaration.
Const value canot be change at the later point in same scope.
const variable can be declared only once.
similar scoping rule as 'let'.
const can not assign a new value.
const object properties can be change.
Arrow Function:
One of the most popular feature of ES6. It introduced a new way of writing concise functions.
An arrow function expression has a shorter syntax compared to function expression.
Arrow functions are always anonymous.
For one parameter, paranthesis are optional.
const squared = x => x * x;
More than one parameter, parenthesis are manadatory
const squared = (x, y) => x * x;
Using Arrow function we are solving the problem that is caused by using this keyword inside a function.
Without Arrow Function, It does not have context for outer function.
Class are in fact special functons. There are two ways to use class in javascript using class keyword.
Syntax using Class Declaration:
Class Expressions can be named or unnamed.
var Mobile = class {
constructor() {
};Unnamed Class Expressionvar Mobile = class Mobile2 {
constructor() {
};named Class Expression
Example using `Template Literals` & Class Declaration.
Features of Template Literals:
Template Literals are also knowns as Template Strings.
Multi line strings.
Embed Expression.
we need to use Back tics `` to write Template Literals.
we can avoid the whole confusion when concatenating strings with values and having to escape single and double quotes.
Default Parameters:
It is pretty straight forward concept. You can basically specify a Default values to parameters when you define a function. When you call that function and don't passing a value the default value will be used.
Object Literals:
It is most useful when the Object don't have key/value pairs.
Possible to use variables as Object keys.
Destructing Assignment:
It is kind of special type of assignment which works with Arrays and Objects.
Spread Operator:
It takes an array and splits it into the individual elements.
The spread operator is specify during function call.
let colorArray = ['Orange', 'Yellow', 'Indigo'];
Copy an array.
For Adding two arrays.
It can be done by using .push() with the spread operator.
I hope you will find ES6 to be a useful and many enhancements to make JavaScript programming easier and more fun. since now you are familiar with some of the useful features, you can give it a try in your daily coding practice. If you have any query or suggestions just leave the comments below.
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