Technoarch Softwares - HTML


HTML is the bedrock of the world wide web. It is very easy to use HTML. All the browsers like Google, Firefox etc all read the HTML document.



  • HTML is a document that contains Text (it's very easy to read and it‘s similar to like microsoft word or notepad or WordPad ).

  • HTML element tells the browser how to display the content on a webpage.

  • All the HTML element are represented by Tags .

  • Browsers do not display the HTML tags it just use to render the content of the page.

  • HTML is not a case sensitive.


  • <> : Angle Brackets Contain Tag

  • <BODY> - Something inside here </BODY> : Markup Element( all tags having a closing tag and the closing one is identified by the slash include with the starting tag) 

            Markup Element is a set of tags that has something that goes inside of it 

  • There are few tags where you don’t need to have an end tag and those are called empty elements  like  <BR> : This is a Line break(this tag is used for basically putting spaces between your lines but we don’t need to put anything inside that it’s just creating a line break so it’s doesn’t need an end tag so that’s why it’s called an empty element)  - Empty element 

Important Rules for using tags:

There are five important rules for coding with HTML tags.

  • Tags are always surrounded by angle brackets (less-than/greater-than characters), as in <HEAD>.

  • Most tags are available pairs and surround the fabric  they affect. They work sort of a light switch: the primary tag turns the action on, and also the second turns it off. (There are some exceptions. For example, the <BR> tag creates a blank line and doesn't have an "off switch." Once you've made a line break, you cannot unmake it.)

  • The second tag, the "off switch" always starts with a forward slash. As an example, you switch on bold with <B>, shout your piece, and then return to regular text with </B>.

  • First tag on, last tag off. Tags are embedded, so after you start a tag within another tag, you have to shut that inner tag before closing the outer tag. For example, the page won’t display properly with the tags during this order:

    <HEAD><TITLE>Your text</HEAD></TITLE>.

    The correct order is:

    <HEAD><TITLE>Your text</TITLE></HEAD>.

  • Many tags have optional attributes that use values to switch the tag's behavior. The <P> (paragraph) tag's ALIGN attribute, for example,allows you to change the default (left) paragraph alignment. As an example, <P ALIGN=CENTER> centers the next paragraph on the page.

Example: HTML  document:

  • The <!DOCTYPE html> declaration defines this document to be HTML5 and html document must start with a document type declaration .

  • The <html> element is the root element of an HTML page and all the tag inside html element.

  • The <head> element contains meta information about the document and include title tag and meta tag.

  • The <title> element specifies a title for the html document.

  • The <body> element contains the visible page content .

  • The <h1> element defines a large heading.

  • The <p> element defines a paragraph.

Html Element:

  • Html elements are the start tag and the close tag in which we inserted the content.

<tagname> Content inside here..</tagname>

  •  Empty elements are those having no content. Like <br> tag are empty element having no closing tag. It's just for line breaks.

For Example:


HTML Attribute:

  • All Html tags can have a attributes that provides a additional information about the element

  • Attributes defines in starting tag of html

  • Attributes are in the form of name and value pair(eg: name=”value”)

  • Href Attribute:

Href attribute is used with the anchor(<a>) tag. The  link address is specified in the href     attribute.



  • Src Attribute:

For Html images we use image(<img>) tag. Filename of the  image source is specified in the src attribute.



  • Width and Height Attribute:

Html images also have a width and height attribute for specified the width and height of the image

  • Alt Attribute:

If the image is not displayed then alt attribute is used for alternative text.



  • Style Attribute:

Style attribute is used for styling the html content like color,size,font  etc.



  • Lang Attribute:

Language of the html document is declared in the html tag with the Lang attribute.


Uses of HTML:

  • Web Pages Development

  • Web Document Creation

  • Internet Navigation

  • Responsive Images For Web pages

  • Data Entry support with HTML


HTML is more complicated with its latest set of elements, and a large set of APIs. Anyone who can grasp the basic concept is a good start. Gone are the days, when HTML was synonymous with the usage of a certain set of elements, tags, and their attributes. With HTML, a developer has a lot of potential good tools and APIs in their arsenal, which can make its contemporary technologies lag behind. Usage is HTML is wide-spread and has become more sophisticated than ever before. It’s the developer’s ability to put applications of HTML concepts in real-time usage.


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