Technoarch Softwares -  Internet of Things

Internet of Things

The internet of things is the physical devices around the world that are connected to the internet and sharing data over a network without human-to-computer or human-to-human interaction. With the Arrival of super-cheap computer chips and the ubiquity of wireless networks, it is possible to turn everything from small objects to any large objects into the part of IoT.


Example of IoT

Smart homes are the most popular example of IoT. It provides you optimum security and convenience. Imagine controlling the light from your remote to act like you are in the home for safety purposes as you are actually enjoying the holidays in Bali. Imagine turning on your air conditioner 15 minutes before you reach home for perfect room temperature. Convenience at its best right?


Why IoT is important

IoT has become one of the most important technologies these days that we can connect everyday objects like kitchen appliances, cars, baby monitors, etc to the internet via embedded devices to provide a secure, comfortable life for humans.


Architecture of IoT


  • Perception Layer

It is the physical layer that has sensors and gathering information about the environment. It identifies other smart objects in the environment.


  • Transport Layer

It transfers the sensor data from the perception layer to the processing layer and vice versa through networks such as wireless, 3G, LAN, Bluetooth, etc.


  • Processing Layer

It is also known as the middleware layer. It analyzes and processes huge amounts of data that come from the transport layer. It uses many technologies such as databases, cloud computing, and big data processing modules.


  • Application Layer

It is responsible for delivering application-specific services to the user such as smart homes, smart cities, and smart health.


  • Business Layer

It manages the whole IoT system, including applications, business and profit models, and users’ privacy. The business layer is out of the scope of this paper.


History of IoT

The concept of connected devices was introduced in the 1830s with the first electromagnetic telegraph which enabled direct communication between two machines with the transfer of electrical signals. However, the main history of IoT started with the invention of the internet(very important component) in the late 1960s.


Pros of IoT

  • Communication

IoT allows physical devices to stay connected and better communicate, hence, total transparency is available with greater quality and lesser inefficiencies.

  • Cost Saving

IoT makes the appliances communicate with each other in an effective manner thereby saving and conserving energy and cost.

  • Increased Productivity

IoT offers just in time training for the employees, improves labor efficiency, and also reduces mismatch of skills while increasing organizational productivity.

  • Information

More available information helps to make better decisions and make life easier to manage.


Cons of IoT

  • Privacy and Security

As many of our everyday appliances, machines are connected to the internet so information is readily available which makes it harder to keep confidential information out of the hands of hackers and other unauthorized users.


  • Dependency on Technology

As our younger generation is a technology freak and they totally depend upon technology and its devices for every little thing. With the help of IoT, this dependency will increase in daily routines.


  • Complexity

The IoT is a vast and diverse network, a single failure in the software or hardware can have disastrous consequences on the entire network due to the interconnectivity.


  • Less Jobs

With rising automation, naturally, there will be fewer requirements for human resources and less educated staff, which may create employment issues in the unskilled labor sector. Organizations will have to come up with suitable replacements to avoid this.



  • Identification and sensing devices are the elementary components of IoT.

  • IoT needs specific tools and technologies for realization.

  • They are combined with the internet to form an extensive network to intelligentize the objects.


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