Django is a high-level Python web framework that allows rapid security and maintenance for the websites. As it is built by experienced developers, Django takes care of much of the hassle of web development, which will allows the user to focus on writing the app without needing to reinvent the wheel. It is free and open source, has a active community with great documentation, and many options for free and paid-for support.
Django provides protection against many vulnerabilities by default, including SQL injection, cross-site scripting, cross-site request forgery and clickjacking.
Python and Django tend to be a bit quieter, as compared to Rails and Node, both of which receive a lot of publicity from their big users. Of course, this doesn’t mean some major names don’t use Django. Django powers many of the Web’s most-used sites, like Instagram and Pinterest, even Facebook uses Django for its many behind-the-scenes utilities. Django came from publishing, so it’s no surprise that sites like The Washington Post and Smithsonian Magazine use Django.
Django’s model makes use of a strong ORM layer which simplifies handling the database and also the data and accelerates the event process. Without Object-Relational-Mapping, developers would must create the tables themselves and define the queries or procedures which sometimes translates to the hefty amount of SQL that's vulnerable to be complex and hard to trace.
Django was designed to help developers take applications or apps from a concept to completion as quickly as possible.
Django includes dozens of extras stuff you can use to handle common Web development procedure. It takes care of user authentication, content administration, site maps, RSS feeds, and many more tasks — right out of the box.
Its user authentication system provides a secure way to manage user accounts and passwords.
This platform is used to deliver unpredictable work with pharmaceutical laboratories, pharmacies, medical clinics, consultants and other companies in the health field to make a marketing plan in order to provide best marketing plan for the particular products on the basis of the purchases and usage by the customers. It works on the basis of the pharmacies and task given to such pharmacies to check for the sales of the lap products in the market which helps building the entire mechanism to resolve the marketing plan for the pharmacies.
This platform is for managing inventory for sellers which makes the products being sold on different platform. This makes selling on multipe e-commerce channels simple, which makes Inventory Management focused on saving time by increasing the efficiency of the online business. This platform automates many processes that would otherwise take many hours to perform. All of the mundane tasks will be done by this platform so that the seller can focus on its business.
This platform is trusted and familiar home to make an appointment for the doctor by reviewing the verified reviews provided by the patients. It understands everything what people needs to take good care of themselves and their family - assessing health issues, finding the right doctor for treatment, booking diagnostic tests, availability of the medicines becomes easy. That is why bringing the easy method to get the right doctor to consult for the treatment.
Our services are cost effective in comparison to having a team on site.
We are responsive and our turn around time is very less and comes around to 5 minutes in overlapping time and 7-8 hours at max when there is time difference in working hours.
We understand our responsibilities and commitment towards the work. Whatever is committed from our side, that will be delivered for sure, We can give this assurity as we have done in the past.
We have team of developers working in different technologies in different industries like Cryptocurrencies, Healthcare, Cryptography, Social Networking, Bio-informatics etc. So all of the experience also can be used if needed. So if assigned developers are stuck anywhere they can discuss the problem with anybody in the team, so you are virtually hiring a full team of developers not just the developers who will be working on the project.
Developers can be directly contacted by the client side team as we think if there is middleman then there is miscommunication and delays all the things.
We are always open to communication and adopt very easily to the required communication mode along with preferred timings for communication. But if its not defined then we do prefer a weekly meeting where all stakeholders can discuss about the progress and bottlenecks and set the priorities for the week.
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