It offers the ability to combine payment processing features with the tools currently in use. This means we can integrate payment functions with our accounting system or other business applications. This helps to eliminate duplicate data entry, streamline accounting processes, and increase accuracy and efficiency.
It serves as a portal to carry out transaction flow between customers and merchants. It uses security protocols and encryption to go through the transaction data without any malicious activity. The data then gets transferred from websites/application devices to payment processors/banks.
By Integration of the payment process with the accounting or any other business app, relationship management (CRM) system, in order to remove redundant data entry, streamline accounting and to increase the rate of accuracy.
Stripe API allows developers to access the methods which include sending invoices, accepting payments, managing subscription billing, and editing and managing account information.
Paypal API can enable customers to make credit card payments with only a few clicks, depending on the country as well. One can accept an immediate payment or authorize a payment and capture it later.
FAll payment processor encrypt sensitive payment information prior to transmitting it to the processing bank.
To use PCI compliant payment processing can accept payments securely, while avoiding costly fines.
Storing payment information which enables customer to not to enter their information again and again and as the information is encrypted which ensure’s that the information is securely stored.
Our services are cost effective in comparison to having a team on site.
We are responsive and our turn around time is very less and comes around to 5 minutes in overlapping time and 7-8 hours at max when there is time difference in working hours.
We understand our responsibilities and commitment towards the work. Whatever is committed from our side, that will be delivered for sure, We can give this assurity as we have done in the past.
We have team of developers working in different technologies in different industries like Cryptocurrencies, Healthcare, Cryptography, Social Networking, Bio-informatics etc. So all of the experience also can be used if needed. So if assigned developers are stuck anywhere they can discuss the problem with anybody in the team, so you are virtually hiring a full team of developers not just the developers who will be working on the project.
Developers can be directly contacted by the client side team as we think if there is middleman then there is miscommunication and delays all the things.
We are always open to communication and adopt very easily to the required communication mode along with preferred timings for communication. But if its not defined then we do prefer a weekly meeting where all stakeholders can discuss about the progress and bottlenecks and set the priorities for the week.
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