Porting is the process of adapting software in an environment for which it was not originally written or intended to execute in. The term is used interchangeably when referring to the changes made to hardware when it has to be made compatible with other environments. Porting is also used to refer to the process of converting a computer game to be platform independant.
Computer software application is considered portable to a new environment if the input required to adapt it to the new environment is bound with in the limits. The meaning of the term 'reasonable' depends on the nature of the application and is often difficult to express in quantifiable units.
It is reasonably less than writing the software from scratch. Software developers often claim their product is portable, implying that it will take little effort for it to work on a customer’s platform. The three preferred platforms are those from Microsoft, Apple and UNIX, making it easier to develop software that is portable. Still, in the embedded system market, porting remains a significant issue. To simplify portability, modern compilers translate to a machine-independent intermediate code.
Online storage data allows employees to work from anywhere there is an nternet connection, which is a huge benefit to Matthew Vollmar, CEO of managed IT services provider Newmind Group. He said his staff is no longer limited by location. "It provides our team members the freedom to work from anywhere (home, coffee shops, client facilities) and still have access to any needed documents or information," said Vollmar.
Jeff Kear, owner and founder of online event management software provider Planning Pod, said one of the greatest benefits he gets from using online storage services is that he doesn't need to hire IT staff or retain consultants to maintain a server for all his digital data.
As CEO of e-commerce consultant PDB Sales Inc., a business that has moved offices five times in the last seven years, Tao Wong said online storage makes the process go much smoother. "Concerns about data loss are minimized," he said. "With the online data storage solutions, setup for the [new] offices has been a matter of plug-and-play."
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